1. An emerging role for tissue plasticity in developmental precision
    Naganathan S.R.
    Biochem. Soc. Trans., BST20230173 (2024)

  2. Cell-autonomous timing drives the vertebrate segmentation clock’s wave pattern
    Rohde L.A.*, Bercowsky-Rama A.*, Valentin G., Naganathan S.R., Desai R.A., Strnad P., Soroldoni D., Oates A.C.
    eLife 13:RP93764 (2024)

  3. Emergence of a left-right symmetric body plan in vertebrate embryos
    Bardhan S.*, Bhargava N.*, Dighe S.*, Vats N.*, Naganathan S.R.
    Curr. Top. Dev. Biol., 159, 310-342 (2024)
    * Equal contribution

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